– HRBP/Head of HR
– 150名規模のアメリカ系ライフサイエンス企業に3年勤務
– 3名のスタッフマネジメント経験あり
– Head of HR
– 10名規模のグローバル製薬企業
– HR Manager
質問①: Can you tell me about a time when you actively promoted teamwork?
As HR, my job is to manage people and of course get people to work well together. I made proposals for company events, tried to encourage managers to spend time with their staff and work together on projects, and during company meetings I often promoted doing more teamwork.
- 詳細や具体性に欠けている。
- 段階的なプロセスやアプローチといった構造が欠けている。
After our company went through a merger last year, I noticed there was a lack of cohesion among our various departments. Many people worked in a very silo-oriented way and there was little communication or interaction between departments. When communication was necessary, friction would often occur. For example, finance had their own duties and were always very busy at the end of the month, so when a request would come to them from another department during this time, they would often treat it as a nuisance request.
To solve this issue, I conducted management training and then held workshops with employees and managers from different departments where they performed various tasks together. As a result, managers became more aware about how to lead their teams and lead by example and employees also had more interactions and chances to build relationships with colleagues from other departments.
- 回答がしっかりと構成されている。
- 課題を述べ、課題解決のために取られた具体的なステップが示されている。
- 回答が結果で締めくくられており、候補者が全体像を考慮していることがわかる。
質問②: Can you share an experience where you identified and analyzed a company issue and took the initiative to take action?
In my previous company, we had a major overtime problem with people working too many hours. The morale was down in the company and people were not happy. I spoke with the employees and told them to decrease their overtime. I also communicated with management and we tried to come up with a strategy to tackle this problem.
- 対応の詳細や結果が不足している。
In my previous company, we had a major overtime problem with people working over the maximum limit as specified by the labor bureau. Our management members were not aware of how many people were doing this and how big of an issue this was, however I understood that this was a major violation and we could receive consequences for not following the labor regulations. As a result, I brought this to the attention of our management right away, explained why this was a critical issue and proposed a solution to help us quickly get back into compliance. After multiple discussions, we finalized a plan to decrease overtime working hours and hold employees accountable.
- 回答が明確で具体的である。
- 問題の特定、分析、解決策の提案、実行、成果を段階的に示している。
- 応募ポジションに必要なスキルと経験を示している。