【英語面接対策】 差がつく長所と短所の答え方!- 例文あり –
長所を答える上でポイントとなるのはハードスキルに焦点を当てることです。 ハードスキルとは、例えば「日本の労働法の知識がある」もしくは「データベース管理ができる」など専門的なスキルや技術のことを表します。ご自身の長所がソフトスキルに焦点が当たっている場合でも、「コミュニケーションの取り方がうまい」だけではなく、コミュニケーションの取り方がうまいことによって、仕事に対してどのようないい影響を与えたか、そしてどのように会社に貢献できるのかを伝えると良いでしょう。
I have deep knowledge of Japanese labor law and have experienced tough negotiations with labor unions. Therefore, I am confident that I could help to resolve any labor issues that arise.
Throughout my career, I’ve handled end-to-end Supply Chain Operations so I understand the requirement to be disciplined in handling wide areas of the SCM function.
I have 10 years of demand forecasting experience including 6 years of experience leading the S&OP process with stakeholders across APAC.
Maintaining work-life-balance is sometimes challenging for me. I tend to sometimes get caught up when I have many things to do and want to perform well and this can lead to poor work-life-balance. However, recently, I am trying to work on improving in this area by setting a limit to how many hours of overtime I will work and what time I will go home by each day.
I tend to spend some time working later hours on a project or task but this is to ensure that I can finish them before the deadline or within the time frame.
In order to ensure the highest quality reporting to HQ, I made the mistake of taking owning too much of the workload instead of delegating some analysis to my team. By shifting some tasks to my subordinates, I have had the pleasure of seeing them grow through new initiatives.